Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello Kitty Comes Back to Forever 21

So rumor has it  Forever 21 is launching another HELLO KITTY clothesline . Yippy!!! I might buy some of the items that comes out this week, but some of them I'm going to purchase online since I know we don't have all the items they sell at our store.  Check out the awesome items!!! They come out this week......

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Up and About...

So I'm up blogging and studying for the new floorset we are having at work. Not alot of changes but we elminated 3 section and adding 4 new ones. Since our visual manager left our store to work somewhere else I am kinda in charge to make the floor map with the store manager.  I already looked at the new sections on my papers now I just got to learn  to train all the other associates on what items go where. Cant wait for Sunday night, 12 hour shift 8:00pm to 7 am!!! So I might not go out saturday night after work even though everyone will be out partying and celebrating Halloween =( 


So I decided to actually start on blogging on here, I been procasinating a lot on how I will get on here and be a blogger. So here I am!!!  So who is this Alice??? Well keep on reading and you shall find out .....

 My parents call me Hlee (which mean MOON) But you can just call me Alice =) I work as a visual merchandiser for FOREVER 21. I am only 5 ft and I am older than I appear to look. My nationality is "HMONG" not CHINESE OR VIETNAMESE but I do get mistaken for being Vietnamese alot. So enough about me lets get down to the real blog.. FASHION & MAKEUP!!!!